How to Write a Goodbye Letter to Addiction Banyan Heartland

letter to an alcoholic friend

Over the past decade, I feel like I’ve lost the Stacie I once knew. It’s difficult to talk with you because you usually slur your words and have a hard time comprehending when you’re drinking. We haven’t had a chance to get together and catch up because you head to the bar right after work.

Thank you alcoholic, for teaching me things I never thought I would know or feel.

letter to an alcoholic friend

With recovery comes the opportunity to mend your relationship with your loved ones. I am sure even your dog, Rex, will be glad to see you sober. As a friend, I can’t tell you how proud I am of you for seeking treatment. Still, we are hopeful and happy, and that’s because of you. We are happy that you chose treatment, and we know that when you come back, we shall make up for old times. You can use the letter as an opportunity to offer support.

  • I am now determined to live out the rest of my life without you.
  • Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, and I want to celebrate the victories, no matter how small they may seem, because each one is a step closer to the life you deserve.
  • When handled properly, an impact letter can expose a pattern of abuse while also establishing a sense of purpose in someone living with substance abuse.
  • I thought it was easy to put down a drink and know your limits.

Beatles Lyrics: Your Go-To Guide for Every Situation

Ignore words that might make your loved one feel threatened. When you write to your loved one, it’s’ advisable that you choose encouraging words. Craft a letter that shows you offering support and communicates your love to the patient in rehab.

But now it is time to stop.

Professors give preference to people who need the class for a major and then from higher to lower class year (senior to freshman). Around this time, professors are getting flooded with requests from students wanting to get into full classes. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t burden them with your email; it means they are expecting interested students to email them.

Intervention Letter Examples

I hate to tell you, but no one starts out their relationship to you with the idea that you will one day control their entire way of life. I have to hand it to you in that you have a very charismatic way about you. Luring us in with your promises of a good time and that you’ll take away all our worries. Having us believe you can solve our problems, take our stress away and connect us to others in ways we think we can’t on our own. Addiction can be extremely isolating, and your loved one may feel that no one understands what they are experiencing.

Our levels of care

  • It’s truly inspiring to witness the progress you’ve made and the strength you’ve shown in your journey so far.
  • Here are ten different approaches you can take and a sample letter for each approach.
  • Oh dear friend Alcohol, what a long, weary road we have traveled together.
  • A small town teaches you that just because someone isn’t the same as you, doesn’t mean you can’t be great friends.
  • If you’re ready to write your own intervention letter, using a template may help you stick to the guidelines listed above and avoid becoming overly emotional as you write.

It’s a disease and it has changed your thoughts, your actions, and your personality. You can beat it with the right support and treatment. Keep in mind that you are doing this because you love the person and do not want to continue enabling the addiction. It is normal for someone with an addiction to feel ashamed of themselves and become defensive goodbye letter to alcohol when confronted about their substance misuse. This makes it important to start with a statement of compassion, so your loved one does not feel attacked and shut down when hearing your letter. You can begin by telling them you understand addiction is not easy to manage and they must be struggling immensely with their drug or alcohol addiction.

Clearly define the consequences if treatment is refused

To trust people, until you have a reason not to.

letter to an alcoholic friend

  • You have the strength and the willpower to overcome alcoholism, and I believe in you wholeheartedly.
  • When you’ve cried too much over the same thing that tears don’t even come anymore?
  • One post on X containing an image of the quote was shared more than 22,000 times as of Monday afternoon.
  • It’s hard to be a friend to someone who seems to choose alcohol or other drugs above all else, but if you have a friend in this situation, she or he probably needs your help more than ever.
  • Having an occasional drink is not a problem, but if your friend is drinking heavily or seems to be unable to control how much they drink, these are symptoms of alcohol misuse or alcoholism.